• Puree DIET

    At 3-4th weeks postoperatively, 120 ml of food is administered at intervals of 60-90 minutes to the patient. At this stage, the foods are prepared in puree form and meet the protein and other nutritional requirements of the patient. Food should not be too hot or too cold; it should be close to body temperature,

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  • Protein Pancakes

    Materials: 15 gr Protein Powder (Can be vanilla or flavored you want) 50 ml Skim Milk 1 Egg White 30 gr Oat Bran (You can increase the amount of protein powder instead.) Recipe: We pass all the ingredients through the blender. Then we pour the material we prepared into the pan that we oiled with

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    It is an operation performed in the form of bypassing the majority of the gastric, leaving a small part after the esophagus. Then, the part of the small intestine close to the stomach is taken and sutured to the small part of the stomach in accordance with the technique. That is, a new intestinal connection

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    It is started after the first 24-48 hours following the operation. It varies depending on the patient’s tolerance and is applied for 10-14 days. During this period, foods that create minimal stimulation in the gastrointestinal tract should be preferred and the foods should be in liquid form. A patient’s meal should last between 60 and

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  • What is Circadian Rhythm and How Should Nutrition be?

    What is Circadian Rhythm and How Should Nutrition be?

    What is the Circadian Rhythm? Biological rhythms are defined as the biochemical, physiological and behavioral responses of living things to physical effects in the outside world. One of these biological rhythms is called the circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm is a biological cycle that takes about 24 hours and includes changes in sleep and wakefulness.

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  • Bariatric Date Ice Cream

    Materials: 2 dates 100 g light labneh cheese Half a cup of light milk 1 teaspoon of cocoa Recipe: We remove the seeds from the dates and leave them in water to soften. After the dates soften, we mix all the ingredients and pass them through the rondo. Then we keep the mixture in the

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    Obesity is not just about unhealthy diet. There may be many reasons behind this problem. Underlying causes should be determined while making the diagnosis. Conditions that cause obesity can be listed as follows; Sedentary lifestyle, wrong eating habits, some hereditary causes, work life, psychological problems and stress, insulin resistance, polycystic ovary, sleep apnea, thyroid gland

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  • Bariatric Puff Bread

    Materials: 3 Eggs 100 gr Labneh Cheese (Strained yoghurt or milk curd can be used.) 1 Teaspoon of Baking Powder (Can be used in baking soda.) 1 pinch of Salt Recipe: Separate the yolk and white of the eggs. Beat the egg whites and salt with a mixer until they have a dense consistency. Meanwhile,

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  • Birth Control Pill

    WHAT IS THE BIRTH CONTROL PILL? The contraceptive pill is a hormonal medication that prevents pregnancy by stopping ovulation and preventing the passage of sperm into the uterus. It contains synthetic forms of the naturally occurring hormones estrogen and progesterone. Most birth control pills contain both hormones and are called ‘combined oral contraceptives’. Another type

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  • Miscarriage Treatment

    WHAT IS MISCARRIAGE? Miscarriage is the termination of pregnancy before 20 weeks and before the baby reaches a weight of 500 grams for various undesirable reasons. It is especially common in the first pregnancy. It can be caused by the age of the mother, the risk of infection and many other reasons. The most common

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