Miscarriage Treatment


Miscarriage is the termination of pregnancy before 20 weeks and before the baby reaches a weight of 500 grams for various undesirable reasons. It is especially common in the first pregnancy. It can be caused by the age of the mother, the risk of infection and many other reasons. The most common factor in miscarriages that usually occur in the first trimester of pregnancy is chromosomal abnormalities in the baby. In some cases, two or more consecutive pregnancies may result in miscarriage. This is called recurrent miscarriage. In the treatment of miscarriage, the factors that cause miscarriage need to be identified. Miscarriage causes the pregnancy to end, but in rare cases the pregnancy can be continued.

In addition to chromosomal abnormalities, the causes of miscarriage in the first 3 months are:

-Infectious diseases

-Cervical insufficiency

-Genetic diseases

-Hormonal disorders

-Mother’s diseases

-There may be intrauterine adhesions.


Miscarriage puts the life of the expectant mother at risk. Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment is very important.

-If there is vaginal bleeding, nausea, vomiting, weakness, back pain, severe abdominal pain lasting more than 24 hours, vaginal bleeding, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.


The condition of the fetus should be determined by ultrasound examination. If the fetus is lifeless, the pregnancy must be terminated and the uterus must be cleaned by abortion. However, if there is a danger of miscarriage, it can be treated. In this case, miscarriage can be prevented with regular doctor follow-up, rest and medication support if necessary.