Procedures to be Performed in the Health Center

  1. Drowning in Water
  2. Traffic accident
  3. Terrorism, sabotage, shooting, stabbing, fighting, etc.
  4. Suicide Attempt
  5. Rape
  6. Falling from high
  7. Serious Occupational Accidents, Amputation
  8. Electric shock
  9. Freezing, Cold Stroke
  10. Heat Stroke
  11. Serious Burns
  12. Serious Eye Injuries
  13. Poisonings
  14. Severe Allergy, Anaphylactic Tables: Heart rhythm disturbance, severe allergies or low blood pressure that may cause obstruction in the respiratory tract.
  15. Spine and Lower Extremity Fractures: Leg fractures and any spinal fractures that cause major external or internal bleeding.
  16. Decompression (Diver) Disease: A situation that is known as a hit meal among the people.
  17. MI, Arrhythmia, Hypertension Crises: Current heart attack, types of heart rhythm disorder requiring emergency treatment, cerebral hemorrhage of blood pressure, etc. rise to such an extent that it can lead to serious conditions.
  18. Asthma Attack, Acute Respiratory Problems
  19. All Kinds of Conditions Causing Loss of Consciousness
  20. Sudden Paralysis
  21. Severe General Condition Disorder: Old age, nutritional deficiency, inadequate care, long-term severe illness, etc. The deterioration of a person’s health to a degree that may be dangerous in general for reasons.
  22. High Fever: Poisoning, infectious diseases, heat stroke, etc. An increase in body temperature (average 39.5 °C and above) that may cause convulsions or heart rhythm disorders due to reasons.
  23. Diabetic and Uremic Bleeding: Conditions that can start from blurring of consciousness caused by diabetes (diabetes) and kidney failure and can progress to complete loss of consciousness (coma).
  24. Dialysis Disease Accompanied by General Condition Disorder
  25. Acute Abdomen: Perforation, obstruction or knotting of hollow organs such as stomach, intestines, inflammation, etc. situations that require urgent intervention.
  26. Acute Massive Hemorrhages: Life-threatening internal or external bleeding, usually resulting from trauma.
  27. Meningitis, Encephalitis, Brain Abscess: Inflammatory and infective diseases related to the brain and the membrane surrounding the brain, which may affect the nervous system functions and thus vital functions.
  28. Renal Colic: Severe pain caused by kidney stones, which can lead to urinary tract or kidney damage if advanced.
  29. Acute Psychotic Statements: Neurological or psychological disorders that lead to extreme aggression.
  30. Migraine and/or Vomiting, Headaches with Loss of Consciousness
  31. Newborn Comas
  32. Beginning Birth Activity (Emptying the Water Bladder)
  33. Doctor Examination (Emergency Medicine)
  34. Dressing
  35. Medium and Minor Surgical Procedures
  36. Injection (I.M. – I.V. – I.S. – I.D.)
  37. Serum Insertion
  38. Ear Lavage
  39. Glucometer
  40. E.K.G. shooting
  41. Oxygen Inhalation Therapy
  42. Pregnancy test
  43. Hemoglobin Measurement
  44. Pregnant Follow-up
  45. Baby and Child Monitoring
  46. Birth (Emergency At Home)
  47. Home Care Services