• Menopause Treatment

    WHAT IS MENOPAUSE? It is the end of the menstrual cycle that occurs every month as a result of the loss of function of the ovaries in women. This menopause, which is part of aging, indicates the end of the reproductive period in women. Menopause occurs naturally and unnaturally. Natural menopause is a condition brought

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  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

    WHAT IS POLYCYSTIC OVARY? Polycystic ovary syndrome is an ovulation problem that can be seen in one in every 10 women. This syndrome is a hormonal disorder that negatively affects fertility and predisposes to many diseases. In a normal ovary, an egg suitable for fertilization develops during menstruation, but in most patients with polycystic ovary

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  • Placenta Accreata-Previa

    Abnormal placental attachment is the most important known birth risk. When the placenta is located in the cervix, it is called placenta previa. Placenta accreta occurs when the placenta adheres abnormally to the uterine wall and has difficulty detaching. These two conditions can also occur together. The consequences are very dangerous bleeding. WHAT CAUSES PLACENTA

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  • O Spot Magnification

    Point O is the area in and around the vagina that determines pleasure during sexual intercourse. These areas are rich in capillaries and nerve cells. These areas may wear out over time. In this case, people can apply for O point augmentation. For the O point augmentation procedure, the patient’s blood is first taken and

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  • Uterine Prolapse

    WHAT IS UTERINE PROLAPSE? The uterus, one of the reproductive organs, is an organ with limited mobility. So it is not fixed. Thanks to the pelvic muscles and connective tissues, it is positioned by hanging in the region. If these muscles and tissues weaken, the uterus cannot get enough support and slides downwards. This condition

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  • Caesarean Section

    Caesarean section is preferred according to the wishes of the expectant mother and when the physician deems it medically appropriate. It is especially preferred in cases where normal delivery carries risks for mother and baby. Examples of these risks include breech presentation of the baby in the uterine canal, placental obstruction of the cervix, large

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  • Menstrual Irregularity

    WHAT IS MENSTRUAL IRREGULARITY? The menstrual cycle is the process by which a woman prepares for conception each month. On average every 28 days, under the influence of certain hormones, the endometrium layer that forms the lining of the uterus thickens and blood vessels increase in preparation for a possible pregnancy. In the absence of

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  • Family Planning

    Family planning is the process by which couples are educated by experts to prevent unwanted pregnancies, have the number of children they want and decide on the interval between births. In terms of reproductive health, disease prevention and couple treatment are also covered by family planning services. Each woman should decide on contraceptive methods together

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  • Cervical Cancer

    Cervical Cancer

    Cervical cancer is a cancer caused by a virus called HPV. The cervix is the part of the uterus inside the vagina. During an examination, it can be seen and examined through the vagina. If the virus that causes cervical cancer can be prevented, cancer can also be prevented. Therefore, it is considered a preventable

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  • Diarrhea Diet

    Diarrhea Diet

    Diarrhea is one of the most common illnesses caused by seasonal transitions, improper food consumption, microorganisms, side effects of medication, drinking or using contaminated water. If the illness lasts more than 3 days and is accompanied by fever, vomiting, abdominal or rectal pain and weakness, you should consult your physician. Individuals with diarrhea should consume

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