TPAO’s health center was opened to the service of citizens

Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO) opened the health center it established for Sakarya Gas Field personnel to the service of citizens.

Turkish Petroleum Corporation ( Tpao ) opened the health center it established for Sakarya Gas Field personnel to the service of citizens.

According to a written statement from Tpao, after the Sakarya Gas Field center was established in Filyos, it was decided to build a health center here.

In the established health center, 60 specialist health personnel consisting of emergency physician, nurse, midwife, paramedic, anesthesia technician and emergency medical technician work.

In addition, 3 red-banded emergency ambulances, one blue-banded patient transport ambulance, 2 4×4 emergency response vehicles, and a 5-bed capacity emergency room were prepared in the health center.

The center offers uninterrupted emergency health services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Ambulances in the center are monitored instantly with the geolocation system and cameras in the operation management center in Istanbul, and directions are provided according to the needs.

With the special “CRM” software used in the center, where patient transfers can be made to Istanbul and Ankara, the records of all patients are kept on high-security servers in a digital environment, and within the scope of the project, regular conferences are held with the physicians who are operationally experts in their fields, both for the satisfaction and awareness of the citizens in the region.

In addition to serving the citizens in the region, the center provides uninterrupted emergency health services to the employees of the stakeholders in the Sakarya Gas Field Project, which is the “biggest project in the history of Turkey”, 24/7 at Filyos Port.

TPAO General Manager Melih Han Bilgin, whose views were included in the statement, stated that he was very pleased that the people of the region also benefited from the center.

Stating that the people of Filyos hosted the Sakarya Gas Field team, Bilgin said, “We are happy if we can support the surrounding villages in terms of health.”

Source: AA / Fadime Yılmaz Elma