Muscle loss: The body uses muscle tissue as an energy source instead of fat tissue and you lose muscle.

Hair loss: Foods with protein sources are rich in omega fats and vitamins. Insufficient protein can lead to hair loss, nail breakage and even minor injuries.

Fatigue: Fatigue due to decreased muscle tissue and slowed metabolic rate.

Late feeling of satiety: Inadequate intake of proteins, which empty from the stomach later than other food groups, causes a feeling of hunger immediately after eating, as if you have never been fed.

Edema: As water and muscle loss occurs, the body tends to retain water and accumulates edema.

Disturbance in weight balance: Since muscle and water loss will occur instead of adipose tissue when insufficient protein is ingested; even when you drink water, the body wants to store it and this may be reflected on the scale as weight gain.

Hormone and enzyme system disorders: When proteins, which are our basic building blocks, are inadequate, enzymatic events slow down or disrupt. Our digestive, absorption, excretory and nervous systems do not function adequately.

Easy mood swings, constipation or diarrhea, bowel noises are examples.