• How Heavy Workers Should Eat

    How Heavy Workers Should Eat

    Worker health and occupational safety are important parameters that will carry the country’s economy forward. The health of workers with poor and unhealthy nutrition deteriorates, their performance decreases, productivity decreases and work accidents increase. For this reason, workers should be fed according to their work. Recommendations on nutrition that can be provided by the organization

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  • Obesity In 6 Question

    Obesity In 6 Question

    Why do people become obese? The causes of obesity include factors such as genetics, age, gender, some chronic diseases, inadequate and unbalanced nutrition, insufficient physical activity, and the economic status of the individual. It is also caused by the imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure. What is the Body Mass Index (BMI) value? The

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  • Stomach hernia (Hiatus Hernia)

    Stomach hernia (Hiatus Hernia)

    Gastric hernia is a condition in which part of the stomach passes into the rib cage. This can be congenital or acquired and develops in patients with long-term gastric problems such as gastritis and ulcers. The most common complaint of patients is that the food they eat comes into the esophagus and mouth with stomach

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    Nutrition plays an important role in the prevention, delay and treatment of age-related diseases. In old age, it is important that the individual’s intake of vitamins, minerals and protein is sufficient due to reasons such as increased incidence of chronic diseases, decreased body resistance and restriction of physical activity. It is important to consume 4

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    It is scientifically proven that breastfeeding is important for mother and baby. Babies who are not breastfed have a higher incidence of obesity, stomach disorders and allergic reactions than babies who are breastfed. Breastfeeding also has many positive effects on the mother’s health. In order to improve the quantity and quality of milk during breastfeeding,

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  • KVH Nutritional Recommendations

    KVH Nutritional Recommendations

    1-Cardiovascular Diseases Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Many people die from CVD each year. It is even the number one cause of death for men and women in the United States. In our country, when we look at the Turkish Statistical Institute-2017 Cause of Death Statistics, it is seen

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    Phase 1: Egg production stimulated by hormone therapy Normally, a woman’s egg grows, matures and hatches once a month. If only one egg is retrieved during IVF, it may not fertilize or a healthy embryo may not develop after fertilization. For this reason, in IVF, ovarian stimulants are used to try to obtain a large

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  • What is endometrial cancer?

    What is endometrial cancer?

    Endometrium cancer is the most common female reproductive organ cancer in developed countries. It originates from the endometrium layer in the uterus. It is seen in the late reproductive and menopausal years. The average age of onset is 63 years, with most patients between the ages of 50 and 59. Which symptoms do patients present

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  • Does HPV Cause Cancer?

    Does HPV Cause Cancer?

    The HPV virus is the main cause of cervical cancer, anal cancer, penile cancer and vulvar (external genitalia) cancer. DNA of the HPV virus is found in 99% of cervical cancers. Apart from cancer, HPV causes serious health problems by causing warts (condyloma) on the hands, feet, larynx, anus, penis, vulva and vagina. HPV is

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  • What is the HPV virus?

    What is the HPV virus?

    The HPV virus is a small, non-encapsulated double helix DNA virus surrounded by a capsid. It is a common health problem all over the world. Every year, 80 million people in the world are infected with the HPV virus. It causes genital warts in thirty million people and cervical cancer in five hundred thousand people

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