Obesity In 6 Question
Why do people become obese?
The causes of obesity include factors such as genetics, age, gender, some chronic diseases, inadequate and unbalanced nutrition, insufficient physical activity, and the economic status of the individual. It is also caused by the imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure.
What is the Body Mass Index (BMI) value?
The most commonly used calculation for the assessment of obesity is the Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. According to this result, 18.5-24.9 kg/m² is called normal, over 30 is called obese and over 40 is called morbidly obese.
How should an obese individual be followed up?
Individuals undergoing obesity treatment should follow up with their doctor and dietitian. Medical and nutritional treatments should be evaluated at each check-up and updated if necessary. It should be aimed to keep the values under control in regular blood test results.
How does obesity affect organs and systems?
Prolonged and uncontrolled weight gain leads to obesity and affects all organs and systems, especially the liver and heart. As a result, many diseases occur at the same time and the immune system becomes fatigued, fatty liver disease is observed, and even serious health problems that can lead to liver failure can be observed.
Does stress have an effect on weight?
Stress is an individual’s physical and emotional reaction to negative situations. In individuals under stress, the rising hormone cortisol prevents insulin from fulfilling its function and blood sugar starts to rise gradually. If this situation is continuous, it causes insulin resistance and increases the risk of diabetes. As a result, stress management is very important for weight control.
Does obesity affect sexuality?
Most obesity patients lack self-confidence. The thought of not conforming to aesthetic norms affects the individual psychologically and this triggers sexual disorders. Premature ejaculation and sexual reluctance are among the problems that can be seen in obesity patients.