Early diagnosis is important!
Diabetes can be prevented with the right diet and habits.
Symptoms such as drinking too much water, frequent urination, dry mouth, delayed healing of skin wounds, weakness and fatigue may indicate diabetes.
In addition, it is very important for people with a family history of diabetes and overweight to have regular blood glucose measurements for early diagnosis.
*Fasting blood glucose (FBSG) in healthy people varies between 70-100 mg/dL on average.
*If FBS is between 100-125 mg/dL, it means prediabetes (hidden diabetes).
*If the FBS is 126 mg/dL and above, it indicates that you have diabetes.
If diagnosed by a physician in the early period, it is essential to make changes in lifestyle.
What should my diet list look like?
The diet list should be personalized. So there is no single list example.
It is important to follow a nutrition program prepared by a dietitian to keep blood sugar under control and to lead a quality life for diabetic patients.
The nutrition program should include as many meals as the patient needs and should be aimed at maintaining the body weight of the person, unless otherwise.
Carbohydrates, fats and proteins should be provided in the diet in personalized amounts and from healthy ingredients.
Alcohol and cigarette consumption should be limited.
Should I exercise?
While medication is important in controlling blood sugar in diabetic patients, exercise is often overlooked.
However, exercise is as important as nutrition and medication. Diabetes patients are targeted to control their weight with regular exercise.
Increasing physical activity with exercise helps to reduce body weight, especially in overweight diabetics.
Also, do not forget to consult your doctor regarding the type and duration of exercise you plan to do before starting an exercise program.